Sunday, September 27, 2009

Genting Trip

hey yo... i'm at genting now...
let's start our journey :P

haha, eating cup mee at the hotel there...

khim chew ( da ma li sheng jie) see here lei...

wai seng looks so happy till tao siu even he trying to act cool,no need act la... haha

woan jing (kai ma) enjoying the cup mee, yummy... haha

cheers... cup mee meal... hohoho

walao eh... dun play play, tat time really cold, cold till dunno how to say...

Me yi jian zhong qing to it... haha
like it very very much...


人家说, “哎呀, 忍一忍, 退一步,海阔天空。”那我想问,你能忍多久?
我自问自己的EQ有多高,坦白说,还蛮高的,只要你没踩过界, 我都 ok.
那些明明就不应该想的问题, 为什么我还是去想了。
我想, 真的是犯贱。

(人家气我, 我不气, 如果我气就中他计)
如果真的可以, 我真的很想 dai ba dai ba gam dao ba seng lei...... sorry for my words.

arh...... 很想暴粗, 可是不行, 要积口德。

一些人, 尤其是那些吃饱没事做兼喜欢背后讲人是非和捏造是非的,

Sunday, September 20, 2009


各位亲爱的朋友, 放假时间又到了,
每当, 这个时期, 就是我最头痛的时候。
为什么? 闷啊。
当然, 我也不例外啦。

可是, 放假才开始这几天,
想做工又不知道要做什么工, 就只有那两个星期的放假。

啊。。。 快开学啊。。。
可是勒, 当开学的时候又想念放假的时候。
很犯贱, 对不对?


ああ。。。 皆さん、 しばらくですね、 ごめんね。
最近、 とても いそかしいですから。 blog を かきませにょ。
でもう、 今 もう ひまですよ。

皆 おげんきですか。
私は 昨日の晩 お腹が 痛いですから、 何もたべません
今、 お腹が すきました。 =.=''

今 うちに 一人 いますから、 ゆううつである。
友達 もう こいぼとに います。
だれに 私と 買いもの へ いくよ。

私のうちの近くに fun fair が あります。
あの ひとがたくさんいます。
とても にきやがです。

誰 誰 誰
私とはなす こどですよ?
ゆううつである の日。。。


Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Hi hi ladies and gentlement... finally i meet u all here. My name is Paco, i have a nice n kind master, wahahaha... he love me so much". said by paco.

haha, so funny... yeah, it is my puppy, paco. You guys sure wonder what type he is right? He is Golden Retriever mix with "Sun Dog"(Tai Yang Gou), in hokkien we call (Ho Lit Gao) I also not clear la , haha. This photo taken when he was 2months. he can be say is my new family members since 3rd Jan 2009. The first time he came my house, he likes to hide himself under the sofa, chair and etc... he is very cute right?

But he is quite emotional, he very easy to get angry then dun wan to choi u. funny right? he is really cute:P

He is hyper active, have you ever seen a dog like to stand always? He is the one, he sure stands up when he see me go near by him then keep shaking his tails.

His attitude like leo in zodiac, no wan lose to anyone. therefore i like to play long run competition with him and let him chase me. When he lose, he will sound fierce and ask u play with him again and again... haha...

firstly, i bring back to my hostel for half year. But due to i have to shift hostel, so i have bring him back home as he also growing. Now he very Yao Yeng even he smaller a bit than other dogs. HaHa...

Thursday, June 25, 2009


所谓一种米养百种人, 所以, 人的心真的是很难捉摸。
每天环绕在我们的人很多, 那些对你好,那些对你坏,那些又对你真心呢?
坦白说, 要找出这个答案,很难!!!
我们能控制吗? 照话说, 没什么可能。。。

那么, 若你问我不喜欢那一种人的话,我应该会说是那些很喜欢在人家背后中伤人家的人。
如果那是事实的话,随你说没关系。。。 可是如果是刻意加词无中生有的话, 无法原谅。。。
单靠一面之辞, 是无法找出答案的。。。
有心机不是件坏事, 可是如果你的心机用错地方,那真的是件坏事。。。

Friday, April 10, 2009

Japanese Blog :P

私は Edward です。
いまはTAR College の学生です。
しゅみは Ping Pong と Badminton と Bowling します。
Bowling がたいへん好きですから。まいしゅおに Bowling をしました。
Vivian さんは幸福な幸せな一生をおくった。
Vivian さんは恋人がいますから。
お~ お~ 誰ですか?
Ah Yaoさんです。
Kee さんはいいともたちです。
Khim chew さんがんばってください。



Love? What is love actually? If u ask me tat, I will tell u I dunno also…
Not even me, I think the professional one also cannot answer this question properly…
I my view, love is the process in our life and it started at the time when he step or come to this world.
That one is called family love. F = Father, A = And M = Mother, I = I , L = Love, Y = You. Link it together
equal to
Father And Mother, I Love You. It is meaning full right? But when we growing up will this love disappear
In our live? The answer is no, it is never, ever disappear because it will be with you forever.
Everyone also think so right?
Then, when we start go to school to study, we can know many ppl. These ppl are called friends. The
friends love we call is Friendship. Why it is called friendship? It is because friend is a ship which can
“drive” you go everywhere to get experience and to get many new things like learn the life cycle,
type of ppl, and so on.
Hehe… when come to adult life, that is another love comes to u… it is call couple love. Couple love is
long term one. Got a short term de love, called puppy love. But how come har? But hor, dun try it
lor, coz no fun at all. It wil just hurt u a lot.
Haiz… how come I boring till say may bullshit things here hur? Juz wanna find a way to relax, so just
Come here to write down something… next time will share something true v u guys. But not now ya.
Hehe… aiya vylyn, now at least got something to let u read first. Next time write more thing to let u read ya..

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Edward's 21st birthday party

What does aged of 21st means in our life? Is dai go zai or dai go lui jor? or become mature, become adult? Then the key is wat ? I finidng the answer...

But dun think too much when it is coming... haha

This year is quite special for me. Why? First, i become 21st years old ady. Second is my party was held on 14th feb, is valentine's day. Very happy that many ppl celebrate n accompany tat day, hehe... am i very clever? No la, actually my birthday is 16th feb but is monday, many ppl not able to come. Thus, i make it on 14th feb.

This party make me bz for almost one week. Bz to buy things, prepare things n cooking. Sure, not i cook all la. my sisters n mom all fan gong hap zhok to help me de. really thx them a lot.
jie, mom, muak muak muaks. thx ya ^^. wait, got one more ppl, is leng zai chew, my kai gor. He also very to help me carry all the things. hehe... really pai seh lei.
my sis made 8 fishes jelly for me. It bring hou yi tao , lin lin yao yu. really touch tat time when she bring it to me.

Now come to party nite. I become more nervous n bz. I nervous bcs i shy =.='' tat dunno how to serve my guests. But luckily my sis , sis in law n my bro help me to serve. Hahaha, pai seh, pai sei. Actually, tat nite is my party like not my party, coz all the dam dam toi toi work all i do my self. When the food n plate all the things finish then i go bring again. But sure got people help me some la. Luckily i got bought enuf equipment, if not aso dunno how.

Many ppl said tat my birthday party like a wedding party caused by many ppl attend tat day. The numbers of ppl even more than my sis wedding party. I think tat day got bout 130 ppl is coming. So, can u imaging that how can u serve that all? Huh... dunno wat to say as tat day i no time till din wear shoes to serve ppl. cause i keep in n out my house. therefore, lazy to wear my shoes. Funny right? ><>